Friday, July 17, 2020

“You will not labor forever!”

Recently in my prayer time I heard the Lord say “you will not be in labor forever!”

Right now I believe for many of you there is a very real and tangible sense of being in “labor” individually, corporately in the church and nationally. If you’ve ever been in physical labor you know what that feels like. Sometimes the pressure is so intense you wonder when it will be relieved. I clearly remember thinking when I was in labor with my 2nd child, my daughter (with no epidural), “oh yeah this is what it feels like, this feels terrible!” Because I also didn’t use an epidural with my son. So I felt every feeling you can feel in those moments. Lol!  But the labor and pushing didn’t last forever. I pushed and then I birthed. And you know what happens right after the birth? An incredible sense of quiet and peace. All the pressure fades and new life is wiggling and squirming and breathing and making sweet noises and looking at you in the face. Yes, after labor and delivery there is work to be done, but God prepares us, anoints us, equips us and commissions us. In Matthew 11:30 Jesus tells us that all He requires of us is pleasant and easy to bear. So the work is custom designed for us and comes with a lot of satisfaction and Joy. 

The Lord said “you will not labor forever, there will come a time of deliverance!” 

In real life, a woman in labor doesn’t labor forever. Eventually she delivers. If she labors too long, the doctors intervene to help the delivery along so she delivers the baby safely. 
Beloved son & daughter, Church & America, there may be birth pains now, but deliverance is coming! You will not labor forever! There is an unseen war right now, one that is manifesting openly through all the chaos, confusion and division you’re seeing around you, on the news and in social media. We have the ability and privilege of staying in peace as we interceed! 

  1. Keep pushing, keep praying, & stand your ground! 
  2. I believe you can be at peace even in the “laboring”. You can be like a woman who has an epidural in labor, feeling the pressure but not in pain. Even though you can feel things in the atmosphere, you don’t have to shoulder it; bring it to the Lord in prayer and release it to His shoulders. 
  3. Declare SHALOM PEACE over your home, city, state and the USA (shalom peace is a Hebrew word meaning peaceharmonywholenesscompletenessprosperitywelfareand tranquility; also it’s the destruction of the authority of chaos and then nothing missing, nothing broken.)
  4. Keep decreeing God’s kingdom come and will be done on earth as it is in heaven! 
  5. Declare that the cities, states and nation be unlocked! (This is something I read from a recent word from Christy Johnston)

God is moving on our behalf and is faithful to deliver! He put us here for a reason! Amen!

Just like a woman giving birth experiences intense labor pains in delivering her baby, yet after the child is born she quickly forgets what she went through because of the overwhelming joy of knowing that a new baby has been born into the world.” John‬ ‭16:21‬‬‬

“The Lord will put him in charge of the key that belongs to King David's family. No one will be able to unlock what he locks, and no one will be able to lock what he UNLOCKS.” Isaiah‬ ‭22:22‬ ‭CEV‬‬

United States: “You unhappy one, storm tossed and troubled, I am ready to rebuild you with precious stones and embed your foundation with sapphires. I will make your towers of rubies, your gates of sparkling jewels, and all your walls of precious delightful stones. All your children will be taught by God and great will be there peace and prosperity. You will be established in righteousness. Oppression will be far from you! Fear will be far from you! Yes, terror will not come near you, nor will you be afraid. If anyone dares to stir up strife against you, it is not from Me! Those who challenge you will go down and defeat.… But I promise you, no weapon meant to hurt you will succeed, and you will refute every accusing word spoken against you. This promise is the inheritance of God’s children, and their vindication is from me, says the Lord.” Isaiah 54:11-15, 17 TPT

Pour out all your worries and stress upon Him and leave them there, for he always tenderly cares for you. Be well balanced and always alert, because your enemy, the devil, roams around incessantly, like a roaring lion looking for its prey to devour. Take a decisive stand against him and resist his every attack with strong, vigorous faith...” ‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭5:7-9‬ ‭TPT‬‬ (Or cast the whole of your care upon God)

Love you!
Kristin J