Friday, July 22, 2011

He Remembers

This morning I was doing my devotions and talking to God and I asked Him to show me somehow that He loves me and that He's pleased with me.  I know He loves me, it's just that I wanted some encouragement.

As I was reading the Bible in Acts chapter 16 about a woman who heard the good news about Jesus and accepted it, a thought came to my mind and I sensed that the Lord was telling me that He remembers when I came to know Him.  As I sat there and thought about that, it occured to me that just like a mother always remembers the moment her child was born and treasures that moment in her heart, God always remembers the moment that we were born again into His family.

And He treasures it.

Love, Kristin

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Psalm 21:2

"For you have given Kristin her heart's desire; You have withheld nothing she has requested."  Last week I asked the Lord for a specific amount of money to go shopping for some new clothes.  A couple of days later, a friend from church came up to me and handed me a card with a beautiful note along with the exact amount of money I had asked the Lord for.  I had told no one about it. My Heavenly Father was the only one who heard me pray that prayer.  A couple of months ago, just after I had found out that I was going to go through a second miscarriage, I asked the Lord for a word from Him and a vacation.  I was very upset (to say the least), but I needed my Father to encourage me.  A few days later I was on stage at the end of a morning church service and my pastor turned around and looked at me and said, "I'm excited about your future Kristin. God has His hand on you and David in an unusual way. You will be like a tree planted by the water bearing fruit in season and out of season. Your leaf shall never wither ever again in the Name of Jesus."(Psalm 1:3)  Then after I walked off stage, my husband Dave met me and handed me a card that a friend had given him.  Inside was some money and a note that specifically instructed us to use the money to go on a little getaway.  God had provided a word and a vacation just like I asked Him.  He heard me.  He always hears us.  I serve a really good God. 
Love, Kristin

Thursday, July 14, 2011

created to be moved by the Divine

I want to be a light shining bright, alive in Your eyes; restore my soul; I want to be disguised in You, Holy Father. With a beauty that heals a weary heart needing a shield. Your life rescued mine; created to be moved by the Divine.
Love, Kristin

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