I was driving by these wildflowers and just admiring their beauty and said to the Lord:
“Father I don’t think I’ve ever seen wildflowers like that before.” Immediately He spoke to my heart and said: “Honey, they’ve always been there. You’re just not as cluttered as you used to be, so you’re able to see and enjoy the beautiful details.” I then later drove back to take a picture of them.
“Father I don’t think I’ve ever seen wildflowers like that before.” Immediately He spoke to my heart and said: “Honey, they’ve always been there. You’re just not as cluttered as you used to be, so you’re able to see and enjoy the beautiful details.” I then later drove back to take a picture of them.
You see when I gave God permission to come in and clear out the clutter, and to clean up my heart, my mind and just my life in general, He actually started doing it. I was telling someone the other day that the more you allow God into the secret places of your heart and mind and begin experiencing the freedom that comes with that, the more you love being known so intimately. And when you realize that you’re known that intimately and that detailed (with the clutter and all) and yet still loved so deeply, you feel no reason to hide yourself because the love of God washes away all the hurts and wounds, and any embarrassment; the Love pulls you up out of a pit (of hurt, anger, broken trust, shame, disappointment, despair, grief, or whatever else) and sets you on a firm foundation. It’s a very gentle process. Step by step, layer after layer as He unfolds healing and restoration in your life. You just have to ask Him and He says yes! He truly cares for His children and I’m so grateful for what He’s done, and what He continues to do in me!
“Walk into the fields and look at the wildflowers. They don’t fuss with their appearance—but have you ever seen color and design quite like it? The ten best-dressed men and women in the country look shabby alongside them. If God gives such attention to the wildflowers, most of them never even seen, don’t you think he’ll attend to you, take pride in you, do his best for you?” //Luke 12:25-28//.
Love you,