"Where does Jesus live?" I asked. "At church", replied my innocent 2 1/2 year old. As precious as that is, that reply isn't far from what many people in this world think. They think that God lives in church and that as soon as they step outside of the beautiful building, their behavior doesn't matter anymore. The truth is, God doesn't actually live in the church building. He simply shows up there when our hearts are right and we invite Him to join us. Really, He lives all around us, and in us, if we ask Him in. How you are in church on sunday morning, should be who you are when you're at home or out in everyday life. A building shouldn't dictate your level of integrity. He is everywhere around us. We are constantly in His gaze. Either that totally freaks you out, or it gives you great comfort. No one is perfect except for precious Jesus, but we are called to a higher responsibility as Christians. We are to show the world our King. How can we show Him to them, if we're merely blending in?
"For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light!" Eph. 5:8