Recently I was in another room while Tyler was sitting at the kitchen table eating a meal. I suddenly felt the urge to pray for something in particular, and so I began to talk to God. While I was praying out loud, Tyler wanted to know who I was talking to, so I told him I was talking to Jesus. Then I told him I was talking to Father God. He said "you're talking to Father God?", and I said "yes." He then proceeded to say that he couldn't find Jesus, and I told him that he could find Jesus, because He's everywhere! Then, out of the blue, as I was still sitting in the other room, I heard Tyler say in his own 2 1/2 year old language, "Oh, there you are! Thank you for helping me find Jesus, mom!" I was totally amazed. Keep in mind that I was not in the same room with Tyler when he said this and he wasn't talking to me when he said "there you are". WOW! I can only imagine what my precious little boy saw with his own eyes of faith.
You know, Dave and I are believing God for some really big things that are requiring on our part some really big faith. I fight my flesh almost daily when I look at circumstances rather then promises. Just like a child has the faith to not just believe but to know that his or her parents are going to take care of their every need, we need to have that same right-heart attitude with our Heavenly Father. He promised in 2 Corinthians 9:8 that He would "generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plently left over to share with others." He always keeps His word. He never breaks His promises. I'm reminding myself of this as I am typing. I think faith takes a step further than just believing God will do something to KNOWING He will do it. I'm working on the child-like part of my faith :o). I know my Heavenly Father will fully take care of the things we've asked of Him. He knows what we need and when we need it. Just imagine what we could see take place in our lives when we come to God like a child! Anything can happen!
Even so much as possibly catching a glimpse of our Creator.
Love, Kristin