I asked Him, "Lord what do you mean by that?"
And this word rose up in my heart:
"All the areas in my children's lives that we've been working on together are being completed, enabling them to move forward in this next season. I am bringing to a conclusion the season they've been in. As I've been doing this divine clean-up in their lives and hearts, little areas of trauma, fear, pain and habits that have run rampant and undisciplined for years, that have risen up, ARE BEING BROUGHT DOWN NOW IN THE TYING UP OF LOOSE ENDS."
I looked up the definition of the phrase "tying up of loose ends" and this is what I found:
"To complete the parts of something that have not been completed. to tidy up, finish or complete.
Other similar meanings:
1. Close 2. complete 3. conclude 4. finish up 5. settle 6. wrap up 7. be through with 8. Bring to a close 9. Clean up 10. Close down 11. finalize 12. end
I then asked the Lord for scripture to back up what I felt He was saying, and I was reminded of Philippians 1:6: "I pray with great faith for you because I'm fully convinced that the One who began this glorious work in you will faithfully continue the process of maturing you and will put His finishing touches to it until the unveiling of our Lord Jesus."
Each time the Lord brings us to a new level of maturity, of glory, of breakthrough, healing, restoration, etc. He will always put the finishing touches to it -- He will "tie up the loose ends" and complete it.
He won't leave those areas unfinished or sloppy! You'll enter into the new season fully intact!
(Intact: Not damaged or impaired in any way; COMPLETE)
"You've set me free from captivity and NOW I'm standing COMPLETE!" Psalm 18:36
Dear ones, I don't know what season you've been in and what you've personally been working on with the Lord, but be encouraged! He is TYING UP THE LOOSE ENDS! He is putting the finishing touches on it! You're stepping into a new season, a new level of glory! Trust Him!
Love, Kristin