Jesus said in Matthew 6:17-18, that
"when you fast, comb your hair and wash your face. Then no one will notice that you are fasting, except your Father, who knows what you do in private. And your Father, who sees everything, will reward you."
So, it's a given that fasting is to be a part of the life of a follower of Christ, because Jesus said "when", not "if" you fast. But God, being the super amazing Father He is, doesn't just expect us to do it and then we go on our merry way. No! He has to plans to reward you for doing it!
Ok, so back to what I did 7 years ago.
I had been waiting to get pregnant and, at the time, my body was not cooperating. It seemed like everyone around me was getting pregnant without much effort, and here I was, struggling to have the baby I so desperately desired. You see, I wasn't having a period. I hadn't had one in 4 months and even when I had that one, it was totally sporadic and incredibly painful. But still I took pregnancy test after pregnancy test hoping that my lack of a monthly cycle was because I was pregnant. But nope. 6 months after we began trying for a baby, I still wasn't pregnant. I was really desperate because at the time, I didn't actually know how long it was going to take to get pregnant. This was my first time. And so many thoughts go through your mind: "Can I have children?" "What's wrong with me?" "Why are people getting pregnant that aren't even married or even want to be pregnant?!" And so on and so forth. The waiting was really, really hard.
So, I made a decision. I said, "Ok God, I'm going to do a Daniel Fast for 2 weeks. And I want my reward to be that I get pregnant with my first child." So I began a Daniel fast, which is just eating fruits, vegetables and grains, and I was VERY persistent in my prayers to the Father about my desire and thanking Him in advance for my baby. What was cool was during that time of fasting, not only did my body get healthier by eating healthier, but God opened doors of opportunities for healing solutions, ones that were very unique and ones that no one normally would have ever thought of AND He provided financially for it as well. But because I had positioned myself to hear from the Father during that time, I was able to know about those things and pursue them.
Here comes the good part.
On day 14 of that fast, I started my period. Coincidence? I think NOT! How would my body know that that was the last day I was fasting? No, it was a direct answer to my very persistent prayers and a reward for my fasting. The next month, I read my first positive pregnancy test. 9 months later, I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy who would turn out to be one of the most absolutely fantastic, amazing, adorable, smart, intelligent, kind, thoughtful, sweet, funny little boys I've ever known. HOLY MOLY God is good!
What are you believing God for this year? I hope it's big, because He is waiting for you to believe that He will do for you what you're asking of Him. And be encouraged! Fasting brings wonderful results every. single. time. Next time you see my son Tyler, you'll know what I'm talking about ;)

P.S. I also wanted to share with all of you doing a Daniel fast, a delicious recipe that I made for dinner tonight. I modified this recipe that normally includes meat, but switched out the chicken breast and chicken broth with extra beans and veggie broth. Make sure you choose organic as much as possible and find a vegetable broth that has just vegetables in it.
Crockpot Sweet Potato Black Bean & Quinoa Soup
1 can black beans
1 can garbanzo beans (chickpeas)
1 can diced tomatoes
1 cup quinoa
2 diced and peeled sweet potatoes
1 diced and peeled white potato
6 cups vegetable broth (you'll need 2 cartons)
1 Tbsp. Chili powder
1/4 tsp. Garlic powder
1/2 tsp. Onion powder
1 Tbsp sea salt (if you prefer less, then just do 1 tsp.)
1/4 tsp. ground pepper
1/4 tsp. Cayenne pepper
1 tsp. ground Cumin
Combine all ingredients in your crockpot and cook on high for 4-5 hours.